5 Steps of Dealing With The Fear Of Change


5 Steps Of Dealing With The Fear Of Change,
The Fear Of Success And The Fear Of Healing


(Also useful during Anxiety and Panic Attacks)


When we set on a road to change our lives, not only fear of failure can stand in our way, but maybe even more frequently fear of success. It also relates to the fear of change and healing. What kind of person will I become? Do I have to change completely? What if I have to quit my current lifestyle? This feeling is completely natural, that’s how it feels like to go outside of your comfort zone.


I’m explaining the process of overcoming it in a couple of easy and actionable steps.

There is a bunch of anecdotes from my own experience, some principles and suggested exercises.

I also flip a couple of ideas on their head. Check it out.

Maybe something will inspire you.


IMPORTANT: After completing the submission check your spam folder in your mailbox, it might sometimes land in there. Enjoy!
